I really enjoyed this video! I can honestly say that since I received a laptop that my research experiences have been 110% faster and easier. The ways in which society have used technology are absolutely fascinating to me and have made life as a student much better! I am very intrigued by the idea of writing with multi media. I am a the president of the "Cram Club" and I am notorious for holding on to information strictly for testing purposes and leaving that information in the classroom with my test. I think that this new idea for writing with multi media will help my fellows crammers retain our information better.
Networked student
This video was very cute! They could have easily distributed this information via podcast but, the cute pictures made the video more fun and easier to sit through. However, I did find it a little difficult to follow because I was entranced in the pictures. In reference to the question "Do networked students need a teacher"? My opinion is no. These 'networked' students do not NEED a teacher. Teachers provide guidance and help if ever needed but all information that needs to be distributed can be done from the screen of your computer.
Toward a New Future of Whatever
I did not enjoy this video that much. I knew some of the people he referenced but I did not know many of them, so I found myself lost on several occasions. I do agree that we live in a time where peoples main focus is on themselves. People are very independent now and as a result, they are trying to find out who they really are. This longing for self recognition to me has led a great deal of our society to think about and focus on themselves. Michael Wesch is a great speaker, this video just did not reach me in an intriguing way.
This week I followed a student named Chris. I read his post about his favorite food. Ironically, we both feel that Chinese is our favorite food. The URL for his blog is http://mrsshetler.edublogs.org/category/students/chris/.
For my Personal Learning Network thus far all I have done is simply try to find different people to follow via Twitter, Facebook and blogs. So far, I am following Dr. Strange on Twitter and facebook and through our class blog daily. I am also following Dr. Karl Fisch's blog at http://thefischbowl.blogspot.com/ . Dr. Fisch has had some very interesting posts that I really enjoyed reading